Minutes of Meeting 10th October 2016

Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting Monday, October 10th 2016

Club Number 19313 | Charity Number 274097


Martin Henshaw (President/Secretary), Amanda Chamberlayne, Jeremy Keck, Jan Layton-Smith, Sue Smith


Chris Chatterton, Clive Hannis, John Lovell, Peter Nesbitt, David Seed, John Smith, Ian Stuart, John Weygang.


Minutes of the September Meeting were signed without amendment


(if not covered elsewhere on the agenda): Nil


Combined with Secretary’s Report.


In making his apologies Ian brought the President up to date on his progress with the ‘Rotary in Gloucester Centenary Project’ where he had invited representatives from: Rotary@Kingsholm; Severn; Quays; Severn Vale, (the 4 Gloucester Clubs that combine together to hold the ‘5 Clubs Dinners’) to join him, be briefed on our discussions to date and to consider joining with our Club to celebrate the Centenary of Rotary in Gloucester in 2020. He advised that we had fixed on a date for the ‘public event’ – a celebration in Gloucester Cathedral combined with evensong on Sunday 17 May 2020 but all other aspects of the celebrations: A lasting memorial and a dinner had yet to be decided upon. A follow up meeting is to be held on 20th October when, it is hoped, the other clubs (all but Quays responded to the invitation and joined the discussion – further attempts have been made to link in with this club) will make known whether they wish to be formally involved with these plans.

In reporting this to the Council a discussion was held in which the amount of preparatory work already undertaken was covered. Martin identified that, at the beginning of his year, he had invited Ian to head an over-arching committee of himself, Treasurer and Angela Seddon that would take on the task of bringing together not only the potential involvement of the other clubs but also the work of the 3 existing sub-committees. If the other clubs confirm that they wish to join with us in this celebration of Rotary in Gloucester then they must be invited to sit on both the Centenary Committee and the Sub-Committees and, potentially, lead one or more of the sub-committees. To this end we must ensure that our club moves forward together and, it may be, that some disconnect exists at present. To resolve this all members involved in the Centenary committee and sub-committees will be invited to meet to receive feedback from Ian from the meeting on 20th October after our lunch on the 21st.


Nothing to report


Nothing to report


Following an initiative by the President Elect the ‘President’ of the Rotary Club of Gloucester has been added to the ‘guest list’ for civic events and Martin and Dot were privileged to attend the Civic Service in the Cathedral on Sunday 9 October.


Nothing to report



NTR at the meeting; however, the President and those present wish to thank the Chair and members of the Membership Committee for their excellent reports to members at the meeting on Friday 7 October. In addition a ‘Membership Satisfaction Survey’ has been issued – any member who has not received the survey is asked to contact the Membership Committee and arrange for either a copy to be handed out or e-mailed.


Amanda advised that the Car Parks had, to date, raised nearly £3,000. She thanked all those who had taken part so far. Amanda had identified that Tesco appeared not to be using the ‘central’ car park for rugby matches and will approach ‘Community Bob’ to find out whether we might be able to take this on – possibly in some form of partnership with Tesco’s or to, potentially, bring them in as partners in the Rotary Community Awards scheme. Amanda is aware that if she needs any support for this initiative she can call on the Council and membership.

Tree of Light: Planning for the ToL is well advanced; a new approach will see children being invited to take part in a competition to submit drawings and the Citizen has agreed to support all aspects of the Tol and the competition. Members will be kept up to date with planning for this major aspect of our fundraising and public relations in the City at future meetings.

Salvation Army Concert: Members are invited to note that the concert held on behalf of Rotary is on Sunday 4 December at 6:30pm. For many of us this is the ‘start’ of Christmas and we hope to see many members, their partners, families and friends attend.


Jan, joined by the President and Council, wished to pass our sincere thanks on to Graham Howell for the outstanding renovation and return of the ‘Rotary Bell’ and the ‘President’s Chair’ – thank you!

Jan reported that negotiations continue for the possible use of the ‘Billiard Room’ at the Walls Club – this could be used for Council and Committee meetings and as a place to display our ‘trophies’.

In addition Jan is looking at the possibility of using the Club’s Rotary web-site as the vehicle for members to submit their apologies for lunch time meetings. There was some concern at this proposal as it has been seen that few members actually use the website – Jan will continue to investigate and identify the feasibility of such a move.

The Council approved Leave of Absence for:

Amanda Chamberlayne 30 January – 7 April 2017.

Frank Lloyd-Murray 15 October 2016 to 15 January 2017. Members may know that Frank has had a number of challenges in his professional life and has also been unwell (although now recovered). He will return to ‘regular’ meetings once life has settled down and hopes to take part in all other aspects of the Club.


Nothing to report


Nothing to report


Sue advised that Graham Howell had accompanied her to look at the ‘Boules’ court installed at the Forest Hills Golf Club; that our plans to install a similar court at the Walls Club look achievable. Negotiations are on-going with the Walls Club to consider how best to both proceed and to fund any possible development.

Rodez: The dates for our visit to Rodez have been agreed as the weekend of 2/3/4 June 2017. A proposal has been made between the organisers of the visit from both clubs that we change our accommodation arrangements from ‘staying in the host members’ homes’ to staying as a group in hotels. This would not preclude those members who have long standing friendships from continuing to host and be hosted by their friends; however, it is felt that such a change would open up the visit and remove much of the pressure on the host club. This would have an impact on the cost of the visit and would also change the manner in which the costs of all of the other elements of our visits are taken. In many ways this would set the visit up in the same manner as our visit to Barcelona this year; would lead to the ‘host’ club probably paying for a ‘main’ meal for the visitors and possibly funding bus trips – all to be discussed and brought back to Council and Club in due course.

Christmas and New Year Gatherings: It was confirmed that the Christmas Lunch for members and their partners would be held on Friday 23 December 2016 at Walls Club and that the New Year’s Dinner on Saturday 7 January 2017 at Bowden Hall. Members of the Inner Wheel Club would be invited to attend the NY Dinner


The focus of the communications team is currently on building the websites and social media for the Tree of Light.

Any Other Business


The next meeting will be held at 11A Cheltenham Road on 14 November (please note the date of the following Council Meeting is 12 December) at 6:00pm.

Council Minutes

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