Minutes of Meeting 11th November 2019

Rotary Club of Gloucester Council Meeting Minutes Monday 11th November 2019

Club Number 19313 | Charity Number 274097


Matt Cass (MC) Angela Seddon (AS) John Weygang (JW), John Sargent (JS) Mandy Chong (MC) Chris Soane (CS) David Seed (DS) Jeremy Keck (JK) Colin Rogers (CR)


Amanda Chamberlayne, Richard Wright


The minutes of the 14th October 2019 meeting were approved and signed by President Matt Cass


covered in minutes.   Poppy lapel pins arrived and more would be ordered in advance of next year for those who would like them.   Wrist bands were chased up by President for a general Rotary wrist band and an End Polio now band.  These would be available for sale at events during the Rotary year.  500 of the Rotary wrist bands and 250 of End Polio now bands would be ordered.


The Club have been nominated for the Believe in Gloucestershire Awards and are in the last 3 for Best Community Service.   The awards evening is in November at Kingsholm when the winners will be announced.   Those nominated to attend to represent the Club would be John Lovell, David Seed and Clive Hannis.  Cost of their tickets would be covered from Club Account.

Due to his current health reasons Jason Smith will be unable to take on the role of Senior Vice President at this time.

100th anniversary celebration lunch on Friday 6th December is the day of the club Photograph with a carvery and pudding.    Members are encouraged to arrive by 1230 where possible on the day. The photograph will be at 1330 in the main hall after lunch.

A District new members meeting is being organised for anyone who has been a member since 2016 at Jury’s Inn, Cheltenham 1000-1300 on 23rd November 2019. Each should have received an invitation email from District.  Julian Farr will co-ordinate support as required.

President has been invited to a Carol Service by Rotary @ Kingsholm which is being held on Thursday 12th December at the Church at the top of the Hill, Churchdown 1930.  All club members are invited to attend and join President Matt.


Chris Soane no report


no report


no report


Notice formally given of SGM which will take place at Club on Friday 13th December.

There have been no nominations received for Junior Vice.   Club members are to be encouraged to nominate someone ready for the SGM.

Annual Christmas Lunch at Ramada Bowden Hall is on Friday 20th December for Rotarians and partners.  Angela will circulate a list shortly.


JK reported – Charity Account £5344 with £18200 in the savings account.  General account £11700 and £6000 in the savings account.   Lunch account £5600 and the Club Centenary Account £3033.    Rodez account holds £3400.

Membership breakdown:  the average age is 70

2% of club are in their 40’s, 21% in their 50’s, 40% in their 70’s and 81% of membership are male



Julian Farr – 3 prospective members in pipeline with a few second visits planned to Club


David Seed reported in the absence of Richard Wright – Salvation Army Santa Sacks and packing is on Wednesday 18th December 1000 for packing day at the Citadel.  Helpers required.

Glos Music Festival received financial help from Club this year but no report has been received from the benefactors despite several requests which is disappointing.

Young Carers – budget approved, and support of their Christmas Party would be provided which is on 30th November at the Pavillion, Cheltenham.

Kid’s Out Winter – using Olympus Theatre, head of Kingsholm school is leading with 9 other schools.   Four pantomimes are being put on with two on 11th December and two on 12th December 1000 and 1300 each day.   Response from schools has been great.  Rotarians will be required on front of house duties which will include handing out ice creams.    Minimal costs to Club and funding coming from Rotary Kids Out.

Proposal to plant tree saplings has been made – covering Environmental topics – for young people to take part.   Phil McCormick has a contact in Sweden for saplings costing almost nothing.   This project could support the Council requirement for an Environmental plan in Gloucester.   Proposal is that year 6 in primary school from September 2020 every child in the class in every school in the County (46,000) will be given a sapling to plant.   In their garden or a controlled/managed area (not open spaces) The County Council would fund requirements and oversee the planting i.e. A pamphlet or leaflet explaining the project and showing Rotary involvement would be provided by the Council and Rotary would promote the project within the schools.    All 19 Rotary Clubs would be approached to support the project by promoting to schools in their own areas.   This is a 5 year roll out plan with nil cost.   Council agreed the project.


Apologies received from Amanda

Tree of Light help – a good response received for volunteers to help so far and Jeremy will put the rota around again.

Santa Fun Run will be on Saturday 7th December starting at 930 and volunteers will be needed to help register and collect entry fees on the morning.  The run will finish at the Tree of Light in town.

Car Parking needs more volunteers to help at the Winfield and the Gala Club for rugby matches.  All able members are encouraged to support this crucial club fundraising.

£860 was raised for the Inner Wheel from the fundraising evening held recently at the Nepalese Chef.


Colin Rogers minutes received

The last Llanthony Secunda visit was well received.

President Matt Cass won the Ivan Houston Salver at skittles.

More theatre visits are in the pipeline with Sue Smith organising over the coming year.

Art competition is coming along with 15 people having received art boards so far.

Senior Citizens party – we need some more elderly people to invite.  Jeremy proposed to write a letter to everyone who came last time to ask them to nominate someone that they know who would like to receive an invitation.


John Sargent confirmed that the cheque has now been sent to the Leprosy association as agreed previously.


Mandy Chong   Council confirmed there would be a Club meeting on the 3rd January 2020.  Council wanted to show their appreciation to Mandy and the team for the work that they are doing meeting and greeting everyone on Friday’s.


nothing to report

12. AOB:

Centenary Update

16 members have still not yet replied to John Sargent with regards to ticket requirements for the Friday evening dinner.

Centenary Booklet is being compiled by John Lovell and printed for free by Ecclesiastical.  There will however, be some costings relating to the printing that will come from the Centenary account.

Centenary committee are meeting on Tuesday 12th November.  Minutes will be circulated to Council when available.

It was agreed that there would be no Council meeting in December.

DATE OF NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 13th January 2020

Council Minutes

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