Minutes of Meeting 12th March 2018

Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, March 12th, 2018

Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097


President Sue Smith, Jan Layton-Smith, Chris Soane, David Seed, Peter Nesbitt, John Smith, Matt Cass, Martin Henshaw, Rob Hall and John Lovell. Ian Stuart (centenary chairman) and Jason Smith attended by invitation.


Jeremy Keck and Amanda Chamberlayne.


The minutes of the February meeting were signed without amendment


Any matters arising were dealt with under other agenda headings.


President Sue said that she was going to take part in a sponsoreed zip wire ride in Gloucester at the end of June – which would probably be her last event in office.


Martin H said he would be away for much of July and August


Chris S reported that despite contacting District there were still no guidlines on the implementation of the Data Protection Act which becomes law on May 25th. (Rotarian Frank Lloyd-Murray was appointed the club’s Data Protection pofficer at the February meeting.)


Matt said that drivers were still ‘desperately’ needed for the Senior Citizens’ Party (April 8th).


John L reported Leaves of Absence requests from Chris Soane (14th April to 18th May); from Richard Crowhurst (9th March until 6th April) and from Martin Henshaw (June 8th to August 24th).


In his absence past treasurer Martin H said that he, Jeremy K (present treasurer) and Nigel Halls (auditor) were in communication and it was hoped to sign off last year’s accounts ‘next week.’


There were no matters dealt with under this heading, the majority of the meeting being given over to centenary matters.


Ian Stuart (centenary chairman) reported on the recent centenary meeting when representatives of all four city-based clubs were present. He said events had been approved in outline – it was now time for more detailed planning.

For the Dinner Sub-Committee this meant decisions on ticket allocation/costs /decorations etc. This would inevitably involve decisions on whom to invite locally, nationally and even internationally. David S said there was a possibility of the RI President coming and that the World President of Inner Wheel should be present since she lives locally.

For the Public Event Committee this meant concentrating on the detailed planning of the event including issues such as the programme, the reception and invitees etc. In addition Ian mentioned that the issue of the exhibition venue had arisen and had been referred back to the sub-committee for more consideration.

For the Permanent Memorial Sub-Committee this meant it was time to start actively seeking sponsorship for the Wishing Well project at the Docks. Ian said that early indications are that the design as it now stands might cost over £20,000 but he and Graham would continue to refine the design to match our means. The important issue is for it to be self funding through sponsorship. Ian urged the committee to recruit members from our own and other clubs with experience in fund raising. He added: ‘We need to be sure that funding commitments are in place by April 2019 in order to be confident of placing orders for materials/ construction. This would be the final date for reviewing the project if funding proves difficult

Ian said that arising out of centenary planning the PR committee was already well advanced with a new Rotary in Gloucester website which had the backing of all four clubs. This would be a ‘shop window’ for Rotary in the city and would have links to all the clubs. It would provide them with an opportunity to post news and event details. In addition to raising profile it could also encourage recruitment. Text and images would be provided by the clubs. Emma Provins (Gloucester Quays) would managed the site. Following a presentation at the centenary meeting it was agreed the four Presidents would meet with Emma to iron out any problems and the site would go live therafter.

Ian also commented on the suggestion by outgoing PR Centenary chair, Caroline Topping that an event or events in the run up to the centenary would be helpful in engaging the public in the city otherwise there was a danger the centenary could become a Rotary – rather than a Gloucester – celebration.

Apart from the Permanent Memorial project which, he anticipated, would be self funding, Ian said that costings for other events needed to be clarified and discussed at his committee after which decisions could be taken as to how monies could be raised. This could mean a levy on club members.

After discussion the following proposal by Ian S and seconded by Matt C was agreed that ‘The Rotary Club of Gloucester agrees to underwrite the cost and expenses of any invitations we feel it appropriate to issue in respect of the centenary.’

For guidance only it was agreed that £50 should be the guideline in respect of tickets for the Centenary dinner at ARCC at Innsworth.

Any Other Business

RYLA – David Seed said John Sargent had agreed to take on the project but was on leave of absence. Links had already been established with Crypt School which had been involved in the past.

Jan L-S said she had had a discussion with Wayne (Wall’s Club) and he had agreed to go 50-50 with the club over the cost of a defibrillator. There was also still the possibility of a room being made available for Rotary use. Both matters were ongoing.

Jason S said he had been in contact with David S and had suggested various ways of promoting the Rotary Community Awards, the closing date for applications being April 18th. He asked that video of this and other events be made available to the Citizen for use on its website.

Date of next meeting – Monday, April 9th, 2018 at 6pm at Matt Cass’s office. Apologies already received from Matt C, David S, John S and Jeremy K

Council Minutes

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