Minutes of Meeting 12th November 2018

Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, November 12th 2018

Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097


President Chris Soane, Richard Wright, John Smith, Jeremy Keck, Matt Cass, Jan Layton-Smith and John Lovell.


Sue Smith, Peter Nesbitt. Colin Rogers, Amanda Chamberlayne and John Weygang.


The minutes of the October meeting were signed by President Chris.


All matters under this heading were dealt with elsewhere on the agenda.


President Chris report included items which were brought up at a recent District Council he attended.

  • District grant applications had been agreed and cheques would be issued shortly.
  • District was promoting the Rotary Shoebox Scheme. There are four types of box on offer – toys, teenagers, household and baby. They would be distributed throughout the year – not just at Christmas. The objective would be to distribute them to a disadvantaged person or family in Eastern Europe. Cotswold Tyndale was the lead club and would collect 25 boxes for free. A contribution of £2 per box was required for transportation. It was agreed to pass the suggestion on to Fundraising for further consideration.
  • Chris reported that Thornbury had acquired a replica iron lung to promote Rotary’s End Polio campaign. It could be hired for £75 a day. It was decided our club had already contributed adequately to this project and that no further action would be taken.
  • The gender breakdown in District 1100 was male 80%, female 20%. A third of district clubs had only one female member – or less. Chris said one of the resolutions for the Rotary GB&I conference was to eliminate all single gender clubs!
  • Trevor Picken had kindly offered the club his excellent audio system. This then raised the issue of who would store it and where. Further investigations are taking place.
  • A defibrillator collection at Kingsholm had raised £1,500 – a total which had been matched by Marketing Gloucester. It was hoped a defibrillator might now be made available in every city pub.
  • Following discussions with Quays, their auditor, Peter Morgan, has also offered to audit our club’s accounts.


No report


  • Matt said negotiations on a proposed wishing well at the Quays were now taking place between President Chris and Peel representative Jane Wilsden. He was hopeful of a positive outcome but had a fallback proposal in mind which would require a clockmaker. He would spread the word around the club in the hope of finding someone local who would fit the bill.
  • Matt said he would need 10 tabards for the Santa Fun Run next month. He understood that spare tabards were available…………….can anyone help?


  • No report


  • Leaves of absence had been requested by Amanda Chamberlayne from 18.01.19 till 29.03.19 and by John Smith from 31.12.18 till 09.2.19. These were agreed.
  • John said he had been approached by Inner Wheel with a request for names and details of the club’s recently inducted new members. This was not now possible under the Data Protection Act but council agreed that the secretary could distribute a letter from Inner Wheel giving details of what they do and how to join.


  • It was agreed with regret to accept the resignation of Helen Chidgey
  • Jeremy reported progress on setting up a card reader for possible use at club fundraising events such as car parking and Tree of Light. Council agreed this was a way forward and would sanction the purchase of a second reader when Jeremy was satisfied that he had mastered its use.



  • In Peter’s absence the secretary read an e-mail saying that Peter’s committee was consolidating on the membership drive. Some prospective new members would possibly be visiting the club in his absence when they would be welcomed by Graham Howell and Julian Farr and others would be making a return visit when he was again back at club.


  • Richard said boxes had been ordered for the Salvation Army Christmas food distribution. Volunteers to help fill the boxes would be required for Wednesday, December 12th at the Citadel at 10am.
  • Richard said 40 panto tickets had been bought and allocated for young carers. Although this gets slightly fewer carers to the performance it did obviate the need to provide transport. President Chris said he would be attending a ‘Caring in Harmony’ concert at Ribston High School on December 1st which involved the young carers, the school orchestra and choir. The event was being supported with a club grant of £1,000.
  • The winter Kids Out event would take place at GL1 on Tuesday, December 4 from 11am. Helen Chidgey had confirmed that all arrangements were in place and three Rotary volunteers had agreed to register the schools and hand out armbands.
  • Richard said that – though more properly the remit of Fundraising – Stewart Clapham had nearly finished the production of 50 ‘Rudolphs’ for sale at the Tree of Light at £10 each.
  • Phil McCormick was hopeful of sourcing second hand chairs and tables for use at the Friendship Café.
  • Richard said that David Seed had contacted Calton School about Young Voices. There had been a significant surge of interest in the event this year with numbers doubling to 100 children involved and rehearsing weekly.


  • There was no report in Amanda’s absence.


  • In the absence of Colin R, the President said he had attended a meeting of the Sports and Social committee and lots of new ideas were being considered including a snooker/pool competition.


  • John S said he had received a letter from the Salvation Army’s International Development team thanking the club for its contribution of £800 in respect of the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami tragedy.
  • John S also asked for the thanks of the club to Colin Rogers be formally recorded for his generosity and initiative in respect of the water filters. It was hoped that Colin’s initiative would enable disaster-hit families of four to enjoy the gift of life giving pure water for four years. Colin is to be asked to circulate his suggestion for buying the water filters around the club.
  • John also reported that his committee now had the £2,000 needed for a solar water purification plant in connection with the Koroipita health clinic in Fiji. This project in memory of club Rotarian Colin Eynon was a ‘heart warming’story and a report had been sent to District.


  • Jan said everything was in place for a defibrillator demonstration at club on Friday, November 16th


  • •Nothing to report.


  • Chris S said everything was progressing well with helpful contributions from other city Rotary clubs.

There was no further business. The date of next meeting is Monday, December 10th – same time same venue.

Council Minutes

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