Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, February 13th 2017
Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097
Martin Henshaw, Colin Rogers, John Weygang, Chris Chatterton, David Seed, Jeremy Keck, Jan Layton-Smith, Peter Nesbitt, John Smith and John Lovell
Ian Stuart, Amanda Chamberlayne, Clive Hannis and Sue Smith
The minutes of the December meeting were signed without amendment
- President Martin said that Senior Vice President Chris Chatterton had indicated that he would like to step down from the role if another volunteer could be found. Martin said he was actively seeking someone to step into the role whilst retaining Matt Cass as the centenary president.
- Having congratulated the President on his excellent letter to the Rotary GB&I president following disclosure of financial problems, it was agreed that David Seed be the club’s voting delegate at this year’s Rotary GB&I’s national conference
- It was agreed to circulate David Seed’s report on last month’s area meeting to all club members for information. (Report appended to these minutes)
In Ian S’s absence the report of the centenary meeting hosted and chaired by Ian had been circulated to council members. President Martin said the three other city clubs had now pledged to be involved and it was important to keep momentum going. Representatives of all the clubs would be involved in all the committees which would, in the first instance, report to the centenary committee. One further decision was that the centenary dinner venue should seat up to 300 to ensure space for members of the other clubs should they wish to attend.
In Sue’s absence President Martin reported that a group of 10 from the club would be attending the District Conference next month.
No report
The following leaves of absence were agreed:-
John Smith from March 9th to May 2nd
John Weygang from February 19th to March 31st.
John Weygang from May 1st to June 7th.
John Sargent from February 3rd for six weeks.
It was suggested and agreed that a form be made available by Fellowship/House in order for members to make their leave of absence requests.
Jeremy K said that he now had a comprehensive insurance guide should members have any doubts as to what was covered (events/regalia). Apart from that all club accounts were in the black and looking healthy.
President Martin said that the cost of showers for the homeless centre had overrun but that he was determined that any monies would be paid off by the end of his term in office without any effect on other club commitments. Some of the outstanding monies would be met as a result of Martin’s Cloisters Challenge in March. David Seed said that he would recommend to his committee that a donation of £500 be made to Gloucester’s homeless and vulnerable.
Peter N said he was happy with attendance at club meetings. Membership was now standing at 47 with two prospective members in the pipeline. The membership drive at the Brockworth Business Park was proving non-productive and recent new members had been brought in by existing members. The proposed arrangements for a ‘new members’ social evening had been referred back to the Sports and Social committee. It was hoped that in turn new members would promote the prospect of Rotary membership with friends.
Council agreed that they could see no reason why Friday lunch meetings should be cancelled when there is an event either on the preceding or following day.
No report although President reported that income from car parks was ‘going well.’
Jan L-S asked for a guide as to what facilities the club would require in respect of acquiring a room for the club’s use at the Wall’s Club. Various ideas were forthcoming which Jan noted and will be part of further negotiations with Wall’s. Adverse comments were made on the state of the female toilets used by members at the premises.
John S listed further frustrations in his efforts to find a suitable project for memorial monies left in memory of Colin Eynon. These included devaluation of the £ against the $ and difficulties in finding/erecting a building in Fiji to house a health centre which the monies ring fenced for a project in Colin’s name would equip. Various suggestions were made which John will consider. He will also be having a meeting in Fiji with Peter Drysdale in April.
David S’s comprehensive minutes had been circulated to council. At the meeting he highlighted the following:-
- Kids Out. This year’s attendance was expected to be largest ever at more than 800. This included more than 630 children plus helpers/teachers, Rotarians/Inner Wheelers. More club members than previously would be needed on the day and he urged everyone to put the date – June 14th – in their diaries. Commitment was vital.
- Sports Equipment in Primary Schools. David said that the cost to parents of buying sports equipment to enable primary school children to play sports could be prohibitive and his committee were seeking ways in which his committee could help Active Gloucestershire’s bid to encourage up to 5,000 children become more active.
- Rotary Community Awards. David reported that the three other city clubs had now agreed to financially support this initiative. This would necessitate a re-think about how it was to be organised both before and at the event (which is to be held on June 22nd). David suggested he become an independent chairman with committee members comprising John Smith (from our own club) and Paul Rosewell, Andrew Long and Charles Coats representing the other three clubs.
Colin R said that because of holidays and illness there had been no January meeting. The focus now was on the Old Folks Party on April 23rd for which help would shortly be sought. Other items in the pipeline were walks, sporting activities and dining out.
Colin added that the Barnwood Trust had turned down the club’s application for help with a boules court at the Wall’s Club. It was suggested he follow up a request for county council financial help from local Councillor David Brown.
He added the new owners of the former Redcliffe College were also owners of the Wilderness Centre in the Forest of Dean and it might be possible via club member Helen Chidgey to hold a picnic there.
Jeremy K agreed to offer Clive H help to keep the club’s website up to date. It was also suggested (through Membership) to clarify the roles of Graham Howell and Angela Seddon in communicating diary dates and events to the club.
Any Other Business
Colin R said he had disposed of two sacks of clothes/toiletries/etc to the Nelson Trust Women’s Centre in Gloucester and that the centre might welcome other such donations.
It was suggested Colin contact the centre and ascertain their needs before asking the club for any gifts.
Date of next meeting – March 13th, same venue, same time