Rotary Club of Gloucester Council Meeting Minutes Monday 13th January 2020
Club Number 19313 | Charity Number 274097
Matt Cass, Angela Seddon-Hill, Mandy Chong, John Sargent, Julian Farr, Colin Rogers, Richard Wright, Chris Soane
Amanda Chamberlayne, Ian Stuart, Jeremy Keck
The minutes of the 11th November 2019 meeting were approved and signed by President Matt Cass. There was no Council meeting held in December.
Club were unsuccessful in the Believe In Gloucestershire Awards, however one of the organisations that we supported did win the award.
Richard Wright has stepped up to position of senior vice President and Jason Smith has assured us that he will be ok for junior vice President in the future.
Club photograph – thanks to Colin Rogers for organising. Two photographs have been selected for Council to chose the best one and this would be offered out to the club. A printed copy would be made available for those that want one President would circulate, together with cost of a printed copy.
Gave a sincere thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas Store and Street collections and to those who organised everything. Suggestion that in the future we should also promote where our money has gone to with posters at the collection points in the stores.
Salvation Army Carol Service – letter of thanks received from Gloucester Child Contact Centre – monies raised £753.35
Laptop presentations are sometimes non-compatible with Apple Mac presentations that speakers bring to the club. The laptop needs to be updated with the relevant software. Mandy Chong would investigate options.
Dragonboat festival Sunday 10th May – organised by Gloucester Severn. Anyone interested in being part of a team should contact President Matt for more detail.
Wrist bands – 500 Rotary and 250 End Polio now have been ordered.
Gloucestershire Cricket are looking for a Charity Partner, but the information was received in November 2019 – Angela would find whether they are still looking for a Partner and more details.
Chris Soane nothing to report
Richard Wright – Conference 1 couple have dropped out. President Elect training scheduled November 2019 was cancelled and training will now take place 29th February at Jury’s Cheltenham and Richard would be attending. It is also recommended that the Treasurer attend.
Looking for a Junior Vice to follow on from Jason Smiths year – thinking through about those who may like to take office but further down the line. There are still a lot of people who have very little experience on committees or Council. Therefore, it would be preferable that they take a lead on a committee with those experienced acting as Mentors to them. All Members are reminded that they are able to attend Council (without involvement) to see how it works and how the decisions are made. It was suggested that newer members especially should be invited over the coming year to attend a Council meeting. Suggestion from Council is also that members stay on a committee for up to 4 years and then have the benefit of moving to another committee.
Jason Smith is planning on being back at Rotary in February 2020.
9. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Club Special General Meeting (SGM) was held on Friday 13th December 2019
- The audited accounts for the year ended 30th June 2019 were approved by external auditor Peter Morgan of Kingscott Dix.
- The Election of Club Officers for the year 2020/2021 were voted on and approved: President Elect – Richard Wright, President Nominee – Jason Smith, Secretary – Angela Seddon-Hill, Treasurer – Jeremy Keck.
- Election of two voting delegates to the RIBI National Conference were approved as President and President Elect. Proxy voting is acceptable.
- A nomination was received from Graham Howells and seconded by Richard Wright that the £792.50 in the accounts from last year be made up to £800 and donated to Gloucestershire Young Carers. Club vote was approved.
- Invitation has been received from District 1100 on a Friendship Exchange programme which includes a 2 week exchange programme which would involve various Clubs in the District hosting a small group for 3-4 days. Members would be able to participate (or register) to participate in the exchange programme. Council agreed to show our interest at this early point and further details would follow from District.
Jeremy Keck apologies received – report received from President Matt following Council for inclusion in minutes.
Accounts currently looking good. Only concern is the amount of funding we can do in light of the reduced income from Rugby Car Parking at Imperial. The flower fund has been more than used up and it will be necessary to ask members for another £5 per head. The last time this happened was a couple of years ago and it lasts a while. Members lunch accounts can be debited with the addition should members vote to approve.
Second half years RIBI subs have been paid £1538.33 and District subs invoice is awaited.
Julian Farr – 7 day notice has now gone out for new potential member Andrea Steeden-Crane. Gareth Jane has completed his proposal form and his information meeting is to be planned shortly.
Membership committee will ask new members whether they are happy for their email address, contact number and partner name (if applicable) to be circulated as part of the 7-day letter information in the future.
3-4 more prospective applicants are in the pipeline.
Resignation had been received from a club member due to personal reasons. President Matt will respond to offer a 3 to 6 month leave of absence instead if this would help.
Richard Wright – Young Carers were supported at their Christmas party.
Winter Kids Out did not happen due to unforeseen unfortunate circumstances beyond our control. It was agreed that this event would need to be planned further in advance in the future.
Richard helped pack Christmas boxes with the Salvation Army in December and would strongly recommend members supporting in the future.
Saplings project is in hand. Next committee meeting 6th February
Apologies received from Amanda. Council updated that Christmas collections over the period raised over £5,600. Santa Fun Run raised £997. Eventright organise and take website online entry fees and send the monies to us (after deducting minimal costs) A potential Rugby Car Park has been identified at the Land Registry and Angela would follow up once contact names have been provided by members who have them.
Colin Rogers – Joint fundraiser at Nepalese Chef was well attended and successful. Ivan Housten skittles was won again by President. Club won District Skittles beating Rotary Severn. This year’s matches have already been diarised by Captain Clive Hannis. Theatre visits are in the pipeline Sue Smith is organising.
Amanda organised a very successful New Year dinner. Outside visit to Wildlife Trust with 40 attending organised by Bob short taking place Thursday 16th January. Potential visit to Chavenage for the warmer months in June/July is being considered.
John Sargent – update on Australia – various information has been received from District. Committee have requested that we ringfence £1000 to support. There are two initiatives in RIBI – A Disaster Recovery Trust who are making grants to Rotary projects working to rebuild communities affected by natural disasters in the medium to long term. Rotary Australia has set up a project called Rotary International Bush fires appeal to support people affected by the bush fires. Preference from the Committee would be to link with a local Rotary Club (whose member has visited our own Club previously) to plant 100 trees to mark our Centenary using the ringfenced £1000 which will also support the environmental issues being faced. The Australian Rotary Club have indicated that they too would prefer this method and have asked us to hold on sending the donation until after the fires have abated and re-engage with them regarding the trees at the end of February. John Sargent will be visiting the area in March/April and would visit their Club and update us accordingly.
Mandy Chong – We shall be introducing a Carvery once a month for Business Meetings.
8th May is a Friday Bank holiday and therefore there will be no meeting.
Members are reminded that if they are booked on the diary as speaker finder that they are responsible for finding the speaker and if they are unable to find a speaker or cannot attend themselves that they find organise to swap with another Rotarian and notify Secretary and Amanda Chong at House.
no report
12. AOB:
Centenary Update – meeting planned for Tuesday 11th February and Council would be updated as soon as possible
Colin Rogers – thanks to Graham Howell for engaging Barnwood Builder Apprentices to make a new Lecturn at no cost to Club
DATE OF NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 10th February 2020