Minutes of Meeting 13th November 2017

Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, November 13th, 2017

Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097


Sue Smith, Jan Layton-Smith, David Seed, Jeremy Keck, Chris Soame, Peter Nesbitt, Martin Henshaw, John Weygang, John Smith and John Lovell.


Amanda Chamberlayne, Matt Cass, Rob Hall


The minutes of the October meeting were signed without amendment


Any matters arising were dealt with under other agenda headings.


In her report President Sue reported:-

She had had interest from nine Gloucestershire University students in the possible formation of a Rotoract Club. Sue explained that modern Rotoract clubs were less formal and more flexible than in the past. There could be national money available (via District) to launch such a club. The next step was to hold an interest meeting to gauge whether the project could be progressed. The increasing number of students coming to Gloucester was potentially a significant voluntary workforce and contact needed to be maintained.

Sue said that the cost of the projected Boules Court at the Wall’s Club was £6,000 of which £3,000 had been offered by the Barnwood House Trust. It had been agreed previously that car park takings from two summer concerts (£640) would also go towards this project. Other material help might also be available from Graham Howell although she envisaged club funds would also be needed to meet final costs. She hoped the Wall’s Club (and possibly Tesco) might contribute to refreshments for the official opening – thought to be in May 2018.

Sue reported that she already had six volunteers to help with a collection at the Gloucester Christmas Lantern Procession on November 19th when flyers for our club’s Tree of Light switch on the following weekend would be distributed.

At a joint meeting with the other city based clubs, Rotary at Kingsholm had given notice that they would be organising a Cotswold Walk on Sunday, June 3rd next year which would be a cash raising opportunity for all four clubs. The walk would be divided into 10 mile sections. It was agreed to pass the suggestion to the Sports and Social committee.

Sue said that Judy Powell, the nominated Rotary GB&I president for our centenary year had indicated that national money would be made available to help with membership recruitment initiative – which would fit in extremely well with our club’s centenary.


Martin H reported that at the recent meeting of the centenary committee its Media and Publicity committee had said that costs had been considerably reduced. Website emphasis would now be focused on ‘Rotary in Gloucester’ with our club’s centenary being positioned as an event within the calendar and celebrated nearer the time. Following a meeting, Rotary Severn had now agreed to be involved with the website and continue its support of the Rotary Community Awards but would not be taking part in other centenary events. Referring to the public event at the Cathedral he hoped potential new members Seb and Viki Field would be involved with musical contributions to the evensong celebration.

Martin also reported that following a meeting with Jeremy K and John W he was recommending that club trustees should be the President, Immediate Past President, Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents the treasurer and secretary. He was seconded by Jeremy K and his recommendation was agreed by council.

He concluded by saying that he had invited Carol Francis to speak to the club in January. Community Co-ordinator Carol was the city’s first black councillor, deputy mayor and mock Mayor of Barton.


Chris S said he had taken back on board the plan to erect a plaque at the docks to record where the Rotary Club of Gloucester had started. At present the wording of the plaque had to be agreed by the city’s planning committee.


In his absence Matt C had sent a written report regarding the Santa Fun Run. In it Matt said the website was up and running and forms were now being devised for people who want to enter. It was now time to promote the event on Saturday 9th December. In addition volunteers would be needed for marshalling the course and collecting money for which he would be making a personal appeal at the club’s next lunch meeting. Promotion would be done through Marketing Gloucester, BBC Gloucester, Richard Graham MP, The Citizen, Facebook, local running clubs etc. It will be open to people of all ages.


John L reported a Leave of Absence request from Bob Short from December 8th until January 13th. This was agreed.


Jeremy reported the following:-

With the help of Martin H and Nigel Halls he would be able to ‘sign off’ last year’s accounts.

Council also agreed to maintain the £10 Christmas gratuity to Wall’s staff although individual members pay more should they so wish.

Jeremy said that while working on club records with Peter Nesbitt he went into the RI database listing all club members. In doing so he discovered that the records of 30 members were wrong or questionable. For example it showed that 13 members all joined on the 31st October 2008 and that David Seed and Colin Dunford both joined on 1st May 1920, the day the Club was chartered!!! He was now in the process of amending the records with the help of club records (and more recently) those of David Seed.



Peter reported the following

Three prospective members – Vicki and Sebastian Field and Richard Crowhurst – had been interviewed and found acceptable. Council agreed their names and details be circulated to members by the secretary.

Club attendance records. Peter said that he and Jeremy K were working on establishing a data base which would indicate members’ attendances at club events all of which could contribute to club attendance. These would not only include lunch meetings but also committee meetings and other approved functions such as fund raising events (i.e. car parking, Christmas collections), formal dinners, Kids Out, Senior Citizens party, Frank Lloyd-Murray had said he would maintain the data base. President Sue thanked Peter, Jeremy and Frank for their initiative.

Chris Chatterton – Chris and his family are emigrating to Australia in the New Year so he will be resigning from the club. Richard Wright had agreed to become joint chairman of Community and Youth – a post now held by Chris. Although a newcomer to our club Richard has had years of Rotary experience being a former Rotary President in Lincoln.


David gave a report on a concert for young musicians and singers to be held on Saturday, April 8th. Club member Phil McCormick was involved and the project had backing from Noisy Notes (a national charity involving Rick Wakeman and Sue Perkins) as well as the Brimpsfield Music Society which involves former club Rotarian Pat Daly. Two Gloucester schools were interested. David said this project was still on going and any club commitment was still unknown since the date also coincided with the club’s Senior Citizens’ Party.

John Smith reported that he had attended the first meeting of the Rotary in Gloucester Community Awards 2018. All the other city-based clubs were present and had agreed to offer financial support. This year’s ‘money pot’ was envisaged to be £10,250 with our club contributing £6,000. Each club would also provide £100 to cover administrative costs and the provision of meals for award winners at the presentation event.


In her absence Amanda C said plans for the Tree of Light were well in hand; Rotas for Christmas street were being – or shortly would be – circulated. Car parking was ongoing with £2,700.00 + raised so far. Signs changed to £5.00. Not too much squeaking from customers.

Richard Graham evening. 60 + tickets sold. All in hand.

Sports and Social

No report


John Smith expressed continuing disquiet about the length of time District was taking in making a decision about the club (and Gloucester Quays’) bid for a grant in respect of a project in Fiji in memory of club Rotarian Colin Eynon. President Sue agreed to contact the District Governor to try to push for a decision.


Following an observation by Jan L-S it was agreed to amend the December programme and delete a Rotary lunch meeting on December 29th. Jan said she had also had two new keys cut for our new mobile cupboard one of which will be kept in a sealed envelope by a Wall’s member of staff.


Since there was a degree of confusion as to who was responsible for the club’s website President Sue will have a word with Clive Hannis to ascertain whose responsibilty it is.

Any Other Business

There were no items under this heading.

Date of next meeting – Monday, December 11th at 6pm at Matt Cass’s office. – Thanks to John W for making his home available for this meeting.

Council Minutes

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