Rotary Club of Gloucester Council Meeting Minutes Monday 14th October 2019
Club Number 19313 | Charity Number 274097
Matt Cass (MC) Angela Seddon (AS) Richard Wright (RW), John Sargent (JS), Amanda Chamberlayne (AC) Colin Rogers (CR) Ian Stuart (IS)
Mandy Chong, Julian Farr, Chris Soane, Jason Smith
The minutes of the 9th September 2019 meeting were approved and signed by President Matt Cass
covered in minutes. Old Folks party 19th April has been confirmed at Kings School.
Rotary Remembers Poppy Lapel pin is available for clubs to order in advance from Chelmer Bridge Rotary Club. Secretary will make contact for future possible interest.
Jason Smith has received an enquiry from Edward Danter who runs the circus and the fireworks on Sunday 3rd November – offering the event as an opportunity to collect from those attending (in buckets) and donate to the Community Awards. Council agreed to encourage the other Gloucester Clubs to engage with this idea and support the collections as well. Event to be held at the City Park. AC will co-ordinate on behalf of Gloucester Club and MC will send relevant information.
President Matt is looking into wristbands for end Polio that are available to sell, and with the connection to our 100th anniversary celebrations, the iron lung, the Cathedral service etc in May 2020 felt it would be good to promote Polio Now and also to have a Rotary specific wrist band branded with the Rondal and this could provide a fundraising opportunity across the four clubs. Council agreed that this was a good idea and Matt would research further.
apologies received
apologies received
nothing to report other than there are 34 going to conference this year
Risk assessments have now been completed for Rugby Car Parking by Chris Rawlins. Two areas have been highlighted as high risk. 1. Theft of cash bag – recommendation to have emergency alarms to be procured for each site and kept in the bag and then worn externally to the bag on match days. 2. Standing for prolonged periods of time – recommendation for a collapsible chair to be available at venue and Rubber impact reduction mat to be available for cash collector to stand on. Copy of the risk assessment is available from secretary.
Council felt that collectors should be encouraged not to stand still for prolonged periods of time to keep moving and to wear sensible footwear; and if someone attempted to take the money bag then the response would be to let go and let them take it. Also recommended that collectors should maintain a small float in the bag during the collection and to put any surplus cash away somewhere else. (eg: in the car, split amongst helpers)
Notice is hereby given to Club Members requesting new nominations for President Elect, President Nominee, Secretary and Treasurer taking office from 1st July 2020 and a nomination for 2 voting delegates for the RIBI conference.
At present Richard Wright is standing as President Elect, Angela Seddon as Secretary and Jeremy Keck as Treasurer. There is a current vacancy for Junior Vice. (President Nominee)
Signed nominations for posts (stating nominee, proposer and seconder) must be received by Angela before 1st December 2019. Prior consent of the nominee must be obtained before submission.
Council need to approve last year’s accounts but these have not been made available as yet.
not present
new member inducted at Club on Friday 11th October Fred Skelly. Graham Howells has requested and been approved leave of absence until 31st December 2019.
no meeting taken place since September, currently an application has been received for 2 i-pads from the Vice Chair of Gloucester and Forest alternative provision school (children who have been excluded). Committee felt that the request was a worthwhile project, and suggested that we fund one and Curry’s or other outlets would be approached by Phil McCormick to match the support and provide the second i-pad.
Winter Kids Out for 2019 – Gloucester College are putting on a pantomime (Aladdin) at the Olympus Theatre for local schools with four free performances. Local schools are being contacted to assess how many children they would want to send. We could have up to 200 children attending each performance. In addition to the Panto there will also be a Christmas craft workshop and an ice cream provided. Once the numbers are established an application to Rotary Kids Out will be made for the subsidy. Anticipated only minor costs associated to the event.
Amanda has now written directly to the CEO of Tesco regarding the empty car park. (for Rugby parking days) He is known to a Rotarian in the Club who has provided the contact. Another club member has suggested that we should be able to get a rates reduction of 100% on the car park if we were able to use it and AC will continue to look into this.
John Sargent has organised the stores for the Christmas collections and will resource a contact for the new Lidl store in St Oswalds in advance of their opening at Christmas time to try to get a slot there. AS and AC are organising street collections. We are still awaiting the license from Tewkesbury Council.
The tickets for the fundraising Curry night are selling well.
committee report received from Colin Rogers. A social skittles evening is being arranged at the Great Western on the 4th November by Clive Hannis. District Quiz is booked on 6th November at Staunton 1900 start. District Skittles is on 19th November at Thornbury. Llanthony Secunda visit is on Wednesday 6th November at 10am.
Future Theatre visits will be organised by Sue Smith during the Winter season. The art competition will be relaunched shortly and a visit to the Wildfowl Trust for a Dinner and Experience will be booked for January 2020. A visit to Chavanage with dinner is planned for late March. The fundraising dinner with Sam Underhill is still on offer for the future and Colin will establish some dates that Sam would be available for 2020.
Following a speaker at club on the Leprosy project the commitment from Club is confirmed that Council had already approved the funding (£750 pp) of two lepers for vocational training at a cost of £750 per person. It was understood that an application would be made to District for a matching grant to fund one of the people. However, the matching grant was delayed as it was felt more appropriate to use our bid to support the Centenary project with the other Clubs. It was therefore requested that the additional required £750 be taken from the Club accounts to make the shortfall and maintain our Club commitment to support the two lepers for their vocational training. Council agreed and approved this expenditure.
no report, apologies received
no report received
12. AOB:
Centenary Update
It was agreed that the minutes from Centenary Committee meetings be distributed to Council members for information.
Centenary Dinner sub-committee – Confirmation was provided to Council by JS that an invitation letter will be sent to all Club members by email, on Friday 18th October 2019, detailing the price of the tickets and providing the opportunity for our members to book and pay for their tickets in advance. There will be a one month window for advance bookings before the invitation letter is sent out further afield.
Public Event – sub committee is getting to the final part of their arrangements and the overlap from the public event and the World President visit needed to be clarified. Angela and Julie (from Quays) are liaising.
Sunday 3rd May Rotary World President visit will take place over a light lunch and refreshments at Shire Hall. Cost will be approx. £15 per person, this will then be followed by the visit to the Cathedral exhibitions and the planned Evensong. Invitations to book tickets will be sent shortly.
Permanent memorial – Wishing Well – proposal is for it to be placed by the Southgate Street car park at the bottom of the steps leading from the car park to the dockside. A new simplified design to fit in with the current new paving to be submitted by IS.
Jeremy Keck has requested a contribution of £250 from each of the clubs in advance towards the Centenary budget.
MC updated that there is now a website landing page for Rotary in Gloucester with links to each of the Clubs. This is now up and running and is called updates are being done by Gloucester Severn.
DATE OF NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 11th November 2019