Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, February 15th 2016
Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097
Ian Stuart (president), Martin Henshaw, David Seed, Colin Dunford, Clive Hannis, John Smith, Jeremy Keck and John Lovell (secretary).
John Weygang, Jan Layton-Smith, Sue Smith and Amanda Chamberlayne.
Minutes of the December meeting were signed without amendment.
December Collections – It was agreed a review by the fundraising committee of Christmas events to ensure members’ efforts are being most effectively used would be helpful. It was hoped the Tree of Light committee would feed into this process.
Ian said that he would be writing to the family of former Rotarian and club secretary Peter Bicknell to express the club’s condolences at his death.
- Nothing to report
- Friends:- Martin Henshaw introduced his discussion paper on the relaunch of the Friends of Rotary group. He said a similar group launched by Worcester South had attracted 50 members of whom five were now Rotarians. Martin’s paper was approved in principle and passed to the Membership Committee for further consideration before being brought to a business meeting for club approval.
- Centenary:- Martin said that now members had agreed the presidential line of succession it was important to recast committee to include both Chris Chatterton and Matt Cass presidents in 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively. The recast centenary committee would then be able to focus on the financial implications of the various events being considered. This was agreed.
- Nothing to report
John reported that a mini convention (District Council) would be held on March 3rd at The Chase Hotel, Brockworth. He would circulate the agenda when it became available to see if any council member was interested in attending
- Martin said he was cautiously optimistic that the club could fund all its projected commitments but he would be better able to give a more accurate forecast in March when the final proceeds of the Cathedral concert and two more car parking collections were known. Jeremy added that – with provisos – he was hoping for a profit of £3,700 from the concert (to be split with Hope for Tomorrow) The council congratulated Jeremy on the outcome and thanked him for his superb marketing of the event.
Chairman Clive highlighted the following:-
- Clive sought and was given permission to survey the club on membership and other issues.
- Clive said that following the success of the Rotary Community Awards last June he would like to hold a networking lunch/evening prior to the next round of funding. To add interest it had been suggested that at such an event a short presentation be made by local trusts with funds available such as the Fluck Trust and Barnwood Trust. This idea was approved.
- Clive said the present Mayor, Sebastian Field, and his wife had shown an interest in membership and Chris Rawlings, a recipient of funding from the first Rotary Community Awards had also indicated he would like to join. Another prospective new member Frank Lloyd-Murray was in the process of being interviewed.
- A further suggestion was that a new strategy should be formulated with a concerted effort of every current member to introduce a new member in the next 12 months. The AG (Elect) had advised that in his year membership was a major topic of interest and he had formed a task force to support clubs and there was some additional funding set aside. Martyn W had shown the membership committee flyers and posters which could be downloaded form the Rotary GB&I website
- Long term absence – It was reported that both Andrew Holloway and Robert Hall had indicated they were committed to Rotary membership.
- The president said he thoought the Bishop had already been invbited to become an honorary member.He suggested that Membership should consider putting her name forward in the annual review,
- The committee was tasked with bringing forward a proposed list of Honorary Members for the April AGM. The list to be reviewed annually.
No report was available at the meeting.
Chairman John Smith’s commented on the following:-
- Aquaboxes – Progressing satisfactorily with several club members now involved. The project is constantly being reviewed to ensure aquaboxes still represent the best way of helping people in crisis situations.
- John reported that a new group of Syrian refugees were to arrive in the city in March. A wish list of items to help them settle had been drawn up by the Gloucester Asylum and Refugee Association (GARAS) and Tesco Direct. Council agreed to allocate Hamilton Elliott £250 to buy items from the list as he thought best.
- John reported that he had asked the Rotary club of George in South Africa to contact their local hospital at the request of Mrs Ros Eynon to see if there was an item of hospital equipment suitable to buy in memory of Colin Eynon. John asked for a response by the end of February. If this initiative failed then the money would be used possibly for a project in Fiji. Colin’s widow Ros had been kept fully informed of the situation.
- The Bishop of Dornakal has been unwell and no further information had been received of progress at the Deaf School.
Chairman David Seed commented on the following:-
- Young Musicians – David said that despite strenuous efforts by his committee members including personal visits and e-mails to all city secondary schools there had been a very poor response to the Young Musician of the Year competition. A similar lack of interest was found in respect of another Rotary initiative for the Young Chef of the Year.
- It was agreed to invite Karl Gwillian, Young Gloucestershire fund raiser to speak to the club on mentoring young people trying to establish their first businesses.
- It was anticipated that it might be possible to reduce the committee’s overall budget by £1,500 which was warmly welcomed by the treasurer.
In the absence of Sue Smith, Colin Dunford highlighted the following:-
- Christmas lunch at Bowden Hall and New Year dinner at Brockhampton both successful; festive golf cancelled while the club’s District quiz team managed to survive into the last round
- Upcoming events – Past Presidents’ dinner, Saturday April 30th; Dining out events to take place later in the year; Meeting with Rodez Rotarians in Barcelona delayed a week because of clash with Spanish F1 Grand Prix. Unfortunately the new date was proving difficult for many club members; Senior Citizens’ Party, Sunday April 17th invitations being sent out and a board would be circulating shortly for additional help; District Boules, two teams entered; Skittles, continuing success in the District competition and Ivor Houston salver with Newent to be held in May at the Wall’s Club; Entertaining Friends – Colin Rogers to organise this as part of a summer programme; Walks – Colin D will organise three when nights are lighter.
- President elect Martin’s incoming party will be in his garden at 11a Cheltenham Road on July 9th. This will replace the lunch meeting a day earlier. Entries for Horticultural Cup will be judged at the event. This year’s subject will be a ‘Bunch of Garden Flowers’ from your own garden.
- Kids Out at Cattle Country, Berkeley on Wednesday June 8th. Colin reported that 550 children were anticipated – up from 480-90 this year.
No report
No report
- David Seed reported that the Youth Trust Fund had made a grant of £500 to a Crypt School pupil ro enable him to be nominated as the third representative in a District 1100 team, which the District was also sponsering, to attend the Rotary Youth World Affairs Seminar to be held at a University in Wisconsin USA in late June for seven days. In past years over 700 young people from around the world have attend seminar events. The theme this year is to debate practical and affordable solutions to world water resources. The title of the seminar ‘Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.’ This is the first time the club has supported a candidate.
The next council meeting will take place on Monday March 21st- same venue, same time.