Minutes of Meeting 16th May 2016

Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, May 16th 2016

Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097


Ian Stuart (president), Martin Henshaw, John Smith, Peter Nesbitt, Sue Smith, Jan Layton-Smith, John Weygang, Amanda Chamberlayne, David Seed, and John Lovell


Jeremy Keck and Matt Cass


Minutes of the April meeting were signed without amendment


None that were not covered elsewhere in the meeting


  • Area meeting:- Ian said Paul Kerrod had withdrawn his request for the club to host an area meeting which will now take place in the next Rotary year.
  • Ian reported that he had spoken with Rob Hall who had indicated he would be returning to the club in the near future. Ian had not, as yet, been able to contact Andrew Holloway to ascertain his intentions over membership


No report


  • Prior to the meeting Martin H had circulated a document which raised questions about the composition and numbers serving on club council during his presidential year. After discussion it was agreed the present structure of committee chairmen reporting to council should remain but efforts should be made to identify a more proactive role for the club’s junior vice presidents to ensure they have the experience necessary for presidential office. It was also agreed there would be no council meetings in August and January.
  • Martin said that fundraising was the responsibility of all club members. He thanked Angela and Amanda for their unstinting efforts over car parking. He also stressed the need for new and creative fundraising ideas and to this end had strengthed the fundraising team. Members were advised that there would probably be only another two seasons of car parking income from Imperial since the firm was scheduled to move.
  • In order to promote the club’s centenary, Martin, the President and others will be visiting Gloucester Severn, Rotary at Kingsholm, Gloucester Quays, Severn Vale and Newent.


Nothing to report


Nothing to report


Martin reported that the budget was on track. However to ensure that there would be sufficient funds available to underwrite next year’s Rotary Community Awards he had suggested that the club’s Youth Trust Fund should finance the club’s involvement in RYLA.



Peter Nesbitt reported:-

  • Three new members – John Stubbings, Frank Lloyd Murphy and Chris Rawlings would be inducted on June 10th. He would be sending details to the secretary who would then circulate a seven day letter to club members.
  • It was agreed that the President/Amanda C should write to the following inviting them to become honorary club members:- the Lord Lieutenant, County High Sheriff, Salvation Army Commanding Officers, the Bishop of Gloucester, the Mayor of Gloucester, Commander of AARC and the Editor of The Citizen
  • Peter said that the Awards Committee had agreed to present Gloucester youth worker Vanessa Worrell with a Certificate of Appreciation for the sterling work she had undertaken for 20 years at the Matson Redwell Youth Centre. If the recipient agrees this will be presented at the club meeting on June 10th.


Nothing further to report (see President Elect’s report)


Nothing new to report


  • John S reported that a letter of appreciation had been received from the Shelterbox charity following the club’s donation of £820 for a Shelterbox and an emergency tent.
  • John S said from 1994 to the present the club had been involved in 44 overseas projects (and one at home) with a total value of US$1.2m – a remarkable achievement.


David Seed reported that at a meeting prior to council to consider applications for this year’s Rotary Community Awards it had been agreed that the club would give 16 grants totalling £5,620. The awards would be presented at a buffet lunch on Friday, June 17th when it was hoped the awards would attract plenty of media coverage.


Sue S said that an added dimension to this year’s meeting with Rodez was an informal lunch during which Rotarians from Gloucester, Rodez, Spain and Holland would meet and discuss current projects. To this end Sue passed around a booklet she had compiled showing the club’s involvement in the Rotahomes project in Fiji.


No report


  • Quantifying Rotary – President Ian suggested that next year the club should quantify its efforts i.e. money raised, voluntary hours given, projects undertaken etc and then use the results as a promotional tool. Martin H said that he and Amanda would see if such a project could be undertaken to reflect the current Rotary year.
  • Carnival – David Seed raised the possibility of the club being involved in the Gloucester Carnival on Saturday, July 23rd. This in turn led to a suggestion that the club might use its promotional gazebo on a Barnwood Construction lorry with leaflets promoting Rotary being given away along the route. There might be the added bonus of a bucket collection although this would have to be checked with Rotarian (and councillor) Lise Noakes.
  • Memorabilia – David S said the club had accumulated a significant number of trophies, certificates, equipment, books which now needed a home. It had been suggested some of these might be showcased in a cabinet at the Wall’s club in a room being considered for conference facility use. Other memorabilia might be offered to the museum or to the Civic Suite for display purposes particularly with the Centenary in view. Jan L-S and Angela to investigate further.
  • Council agreed that from the start of the new presidential year the practice of some club members ‘opting in’ for dinners should be discontinued. Henceforth all club members will have to apologize (‘opt out’) if they are to miss a club dinner.
  • Martin H reported that a team from the Gloucester Home for Venterans (whose gym memberships had been paid for by the club) had taken part in the Cumbrian challenge with considerable success.

The next council meeting will be the council dinner which will take place on Monday, June 13 at the Edgemoor Inn with drinks prior to dinner at President Ian’s home at 6.30pm. Would council members advise Ian of their availability and then make menu choices please?

Council Minutes

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