Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’ Council Meeting on 8th April 2019
Club Number 19313 | Charity Number 274097
Chris Soane, Angela Seddon (for John Lovell), Matt Cass, Graham Howells (for Peter Nesbitt), Richard Wright, Jan Layton-Smith, Colin Rogers, Amanda Chamberlayne, Jeremy Keck, Ian Stuart, John Weygang, Sue Smith, John Smith
John Lovell, Peter Nesbitt, Jason Smith
The minutes of the 11th March meeting were approved and signed by President Chris Soane.
- Chris Soane thanked everyone involved in Senior Citizen party, especially Amanda, Rob, Matt for their hard work and to Jeremy on the mic. A great day was had by all.
- Successful evening meeting with Mark Cummings showed that if we have the right speaker we can have a really great turnout and enjoyable evening. We made a small profit on the evening. Carvery was fantastic value. Suggestion that we have a Carvery once a month perhaps on a Business meeting when we have more time on our hands met with approval. However, we would need to have at least 30 members in attendance to merit a Carvery.
- President usually has a back up speaker planned for Business Meetings just in case one is required. Therefore, a speaker for 24th May is available regarding the County Lines Drugs, guest will be the Policeman in charge.
- Suggestion that our last Friday meeting Christmas lunch at the Walls Club should be a Carvery. (13th December) We would still have our Annual Christmas lunch with partners would still be on 20th December was agreed.
- The new PA system has been in place for the last few meetings and it appears to be working well. Matt will look into finding out about a ‘loop system’ for those hard of hearing. Jan will ask Wall’s Club if they have a loop system in place.
- At the 22nd March meeting the Club agreed a donation of £1000 for water filters. 130 families have now been provided with clean water.
- Angela is ready to phase across as Club Secretary and President wished to thank John Lovell for his service in the role
- Through Roy Lewis, President has received a donation from former member Brian Turner of £100 cash which was passed to club Treasurer, a letter of thanks would be forthcoming from the President..
- Junior-Vice position for 2021-2022 nominee Richard Wright was put forward unanimously by Council.
- House Committee need volunteers to familiarise themselves with the role, John Sargent is willing to train and outline the role and responsibilities. Ideally 3 people are required on house to register, take apologies, raffle tickets. Possibility of a Maitre’d to oversee the meeting. This is a great opportunity for newer members to get to know the club membership. Graham Howells will support this function.
- District Council on 7th April.
- Jeremy handed a cheque to be presented to the Mayor of Gloucester for £2,500 for the Mayors Charity courtesy of the Tree of Light which would be presented at club meeting on Friday 12th April.
- Sue Smith – Tall Ships Festival is on 25th, 26th, 27th May. Volunteers are needed to support manning 3 entrances selling programmes and to meet and greet at the Quays end. A minimum of 6 per shift. Richard Wright has said that the Student Union at the University may be able to provide volunteers and he will look into it.
- MRG (big screen used for community awards) have agreed to supply the big screen once again and also for the Centenary event at the Chapter house.
- Matt Cass went to his first District Conference and had a thoroughly good time. He is hoping that everyone would join him at Weymouth for Conference during his year. The speakers were very impressive and the social aspect to the whole event was excellent.
- Jason Smith apologies received
- apologies received from John Lovell. And requested to report that Jason Bolton had tendered his resignation and although membership chairman Peter had offered leave of absence as an alternative the resignation was entirely down to his new business doing very well leaving him very little spare time to honour his commitment to Rotary.
- Jeremy Keck nothing to report on the accounts which are running well.
- Concerns regarding membership of a new member recently inducted who has not been to club since and who has not paid the annual subscriptions or for lunches already taken. Jeremy will speak to sponsor Jason Smith with regards. It was agreed that all new members should be paid up on Rotary subscriptions etc. before their official induction into the Club.
- Tree of Light corporate donations received are at £5200.
- Gift Aid has been claimed on everything received for both this and last year.
- Graham Howells Attendance concerns for members.
- 2 recent visitors Emily and Dawn and 3 other interested possible new members. We should not always try to push ‘speakers’ into membership. And we need to look at the cross section of membership, and remind that membership does not just mean coming to Friday lunches.
- At District meeting – at some other Clubs prospective new members are asked specifically which events that they could support over the year, and also a commitment to attend at least one function and if they cannot attend then they would have to find a substitute. Perhaps we could consider this?
- Council felt that we should highlight to new members that we are a Community Service Club and the expectation is that we ‘Serve’ our communities and we do this through volunteering and attending events outside of the Friday lunch meeting.
Richard Wright Carers day trips – PeoplePlus are now in charge and Rotary are in dialogue with them to see if they still want us to do this. £1000 donation made to Asian Carers for chairs on a matched funding basis. We have not had any feedback or thanks from Young Carers. Hamilton has spoken to them and it fell between the gaps and we hope that communication improves. Two places with RYLA paid for and John Sargent is sourcing the candidates. Kids Out Summer is proceeding bigger than ever. Kids Out Winter event is becoming a Spring event as the equipment has been returned to the factory and was not back in time for the original date. Young Musician will not go ahead as there were not enough applicants. Committee have decided that as we cannot do it, we will assist an organisation that can and therefore a £500 donation to the Brimsfield Music Society has been given and we will get our banner up on 17th September, at Stowell Park, a full page advert in the brochure and potential access to the various musicians for future use at our events.
Amanda Chamberlayne £25,000 income (before costs) has been raised through our fundraising activities including: Rugby Car Parking, Christmas Store and Street Collections, Santa Fun Run, Tree of Light, Lantern Parade, Cake Raffle.
Colin Rogers – Horticulture Cup was successful but money is still outstanding from some members who took part. Senior Citizens Party went ahead on 7th April but a few more volunteers would have been very welcome to attend on the day. President’s Dinner is in hand. Ian Stuart is arranging the 3 Clubs Golf. District Skittles we are through to knock out stage. 3 Walks during summer including Historic Ledbury with Rtn Nick Bury as guide. Chepstow Races 23rd May. Laithwaites visit in hand and Highgrove visit in Autumn or Spring next year. Boules – Sue Smith is organising a club social evening Thursday 2nd May at the Wall’s club for everyone to have a go. Theatre Visits 19th July at the Everyman. Visit to Rodez takes place 3-6 May with 22 travelling to Rodez this year which includes 13 Rotarians. District Conference 13-15 March 2020 in Weymouth – Chris Rawlings is visiting the Gloucester Hotel in Weymouth with a view to sourcing accommodation for us and will report back to club. Firm commitment from members planning to attend will be required asap.
John Smith reported that matters arising from previous minutes have been dealt with.
John has put together a letter for circulation to all members with regards to what Foundation does and how we benefit from it, with a view to increasing the individual voluntary contribution. The current contribution is £45 and it will be proposed this is increased to £50 at the next AGM.
The recent £2,000 received from the Will of one of our former members Leo Soble, who was a member for 40 years, has been doubled with Rotary grants and is now being used to prevent blindness in Africa. A letter will be sent to his son with regards to this.
Jan Layton-Smith – Amanda Chong will be taking over on house from Jan’s role at handover. Jan will be away for 3 weeks from 24th May – 7th June and therefore Amanda Chong will begin to receive all apologies during this time. Colin Rogers will support her. Amanda’s contact details will be shared with members shortly.
President and Council thanked Jan for her hard work and efforts leading the House team over the past few years.
Jeremy Keck has no control over the members section of the website and it was noted that partner’s names are not included on the website. Jeremy has been in touch with RIBI regarding this but not had any response. Each individual member is able to update and edit their own profile and Jeremy can help members to do this. Jeremy also uploads the club diary and pictures from events. However, if he does not receive information or photos he cannot up- date the website. Matt will produce an ‘idiots’ guide to accessing the website.
Ian Stuart We need a commitment from Club members for the planned Centenary dinner so that we prioritise our own club first before opening it out to the other Clubs. The committee have received 44 commitments from our Club already (88 people). The public event at the Cathedral is coming along well and the Cathedral have agreed the format to follow with an extended service of 1 ¼ hrs and Invitations have already gone out to VIPs and a Royal. Each club is being asked to propose charities that they have supported during the last couple of years to be invited to put up a display at the Cathedral. The Permanent memorial – we are still waiting for formal commitment from Peel but do have verbal commitments from them. Planners did not approve the proposal for the Wishing Well and Matt is putting together a meeting with the planning office to review their decision.
The World President is visiting Gloucester in 2020 and a programme for the Sunday of the Centenary weekend will be put together. An initial meeting will take place to propose an outline for the visit and a report will be submitted for consideration to Council before the other 3 clubs are approached. Angela Seddon has agreed to lead on this event.
Sue Smith – In the Tall Ships programme one whole page is being given to us to promote Rotary.
Date of next meeting: Monday 13th May 1800 at Cass Stephens Offices