Minutes of Meeting 8th May 2017

Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, May 8, 2017

Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097


Martin Henshaw, David Seed, Jan Layton-Smith, Sue Smith, Amanda Chamberlayne, John Smith, Chris Soane, Jeremy Keck and John Lovell.


Peter Nesbitt, John Weygang, Matt Cass, Clive Hannis, Ian Stuart, Rob Hall.


The minutes of the April meeting were signed without amendment


  • Sue S said the centenary committee was considering the installation of a wishing well to mark the occasion – either as an addition to the proposed re-erection of the historic market gates or as a stand alone project.
  • It was agreed the club send a donation of £200 to Jan Long as a contribution to the district’s ‘Purple4Polio’ which she is heading.
  • President Martin said he would write to Eve Qureshi and also to Judith and Peter Cosgrif suggesting that Eve and Peter reconsider membership in the light of present circumstances and become Friends of the club instead which would still enable to attend meetings when possible.


President Martin reported on the club’s annual meeting when the following decisions had been agreed:-

Membership Fees to rise to £160 as recommended by the treasurer, proposed by the president and seconded by Colin Rogers

£2,000 to be paid to Foundation as recommended by the treasurer and seconded by John Sargent.

Sue S’s proposed club council for 2017/18 was accepted unanimously.

Mandy Scott was re-elected to the Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Trust for Young People for another four year term.

The election of the auditor had been deferred pending discussions between the treasurer and the current auditor Nigel Halls.

At the council meeting it was agreed that the club’s representatives for District council would be the incoming president (Sue S) and President Elect (Chris S)

It was also agreed that the following would be/continue to be honorary members of the club:- the Mayor of Gloucester, the Lord Lieutenant, the High Sheriff, the Salvation Army officers (Gloucester) and a representative from Allied Rapid Reaction Force based at Innsworth.

It was further agreed that membership be asked to consider the appointment of three ‘Friends’ to strengthen the club’s links with local Secondary Schools for our mutual benefit. Suggested were the head of Crypt, a primary school head and either the head of Beaufort or the head of Barnwood Park.


No report at this meeting


This was dealt with separately when Sue S took over the meeting


No report


The following leave of absence was agreed:-

Clive Hannis for six months from May 9th.


Jeremy K said that he would be writing to all members recommending they increase their monthly standing orders to £50. This would meet the increase in the cost of dinners (from £9.50p to £10) and go some way to meeting the cost of the increased annual subscription …..how far would depend on an individual member’s lunch time attendance and apologies.

It was also agreed that a surplus in the general account be used to meet the costs of a new secure cabinet, better IT equipment (particularly a new lap top) and improved audio equipment to help members with hearing problems. Any excess surplus money could be set aside to offset the club’s centenary costs.


Outlining plans for her year in office Sue said:-

  • Council meetings would take place on the second Monday of each month with the exception of August and January when there would be no council meetings.
  • There would be two evening meetings with partners (on Thursday September 28th and on Thursday March 29th when the Friday lunchtime meetings would be cancelled).
  • A leaflet would be produced and circulated giving details of the key diary dates during her year of office. Among suggested innovation were a Charter Dinner and a Santa Run.
  • It was hoped membership would recruit four new members during her year to achieve a target of 50 members by the year end. (June 2018)
  • Fundraising – no great changes but efforts would continue with the rugby club and Tesco to see if additional rugby car parking might be made available and on what terms.
  • Sue would continue to build – and stregthen existing links with the other Gloucester Rotary clubs.
  • Rob Hall would arrange a new club photo


No report as such but please see Sue’s comment above.


David S said there had been 30 applications to the Rotary Community Awards scheme this year and the judging panel (comprising a representative from all four Rotary clubs in the city with himself as independent chair) was due to meet soon. The presentations would take place on Friday June 23rd and would necessitate an early start………details of which would follow. The Lord Lieutenant would be speaking at the meeting when it was also hoped there would a visual presentation of those groups receiving cheques.

A major new initiative being considered was Kids Out number two. Funding was available nationally for a second Kids Out event. A suggestion was made that it might be possible to run this new event in conjunction with the Mayor of Gloucester’s festive parties for children.

Sports and Social

Sue reported on moves to establish a boules court at the Wall’s club. Possible ways forward would be for the club to fund the materials (out of concert car parking) and Wall’s the labour. There was also the possibility of a grant from the Barnwood Trust but a decision on this would not be known until July.


John S invited council members to a meeting of his committee when he will be reporting on plans to equip a health clinic in Fiji in memory of Colin Eynon. Significant progress had been made following John’s visit to Fiji during his recent holiday. The viability of the aquabox scheme was still being investigated


Please see comments above


Please see comments under Treasurer’s report above.


President M said that – subject to having editor’s access – he would be happy to ensure the club’s website was kept up to date during Clive H’s leave of absence

Any Other Business


Date of next meeting – June 12th when there will be an end of year supper at President Martin’s home.

Council Minutes

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