Minutes of Rotary Club of Gloucester’s Council meeting on Monday, April 9th, 2018
Club number 19313 | Charity number 274097
President Sue Smith, Jan Layton-Smith, Chris Soane, Amanda Chamberlayne, John Weygang, Matt Cass, Martin Henshaw, Rob Hall and John Lovell.
Jeremy Keck, David Seed, John Smith and Peter Nesbitt.
The minutes of the March meeting were signed without amendment
Any matters arising were dealt with under other agenda headings.
President Sue said she had received information about a special musical-themed RYLA course being run in Barcelona. on the 18th – 20th May. In view of the time factor it was agreed to pass the correspondence to David S/John Sargent to ascertain whether a similar course will run again next year and – if so – whether our club should seek a suitable candidate.
Sue said there was still confusion created in consequence of changes to the diary. The following needed to know if there was a change – the President (courtesy), Jeremy K (for the website), Angela Seddon (for the diary), Graham Howell (in charge of arranging speakers) and Jan L-S (for House). Frank Lloyd Murray had created a useful flow chart to address the problem. It was also suggested Jeremy K and Rob H should see if there was a quicker and more efficient means of communication
President Sue said that she was going to take part in a sponsored zip wire ride in Gloucester on Saturday June 30th at 12 noon – which would probably be her last event in office.
Nothing to report
Chris S said that his incoming party would be on Wednesday July 4th – more details to follow.
Nothing to report
John L reported that Membership committee chairman Peter N had – subject to council’s approval – asked him to circulate a seven day letter in respect of Stewart Clapham. Stewart had been interviewed and had signed a nomination form. Council agreed the circulation of a seven day letter.
The audited accounts for Rotary year 2016-17 had been circulated to council members and on the proposition of John W they were accepted and will be circulated to club members by the secretary.
Martin H proposed and John W seconded a council recommendation to the AGM later this month that the annual subscription remains at £150 for next year.
In view of the upcoming centenary there was a proposal that a £25 levy be made on members for this year and next to meet anticipated costs of the centenary i.e. distinguished guests and partners/hospitality/ publication costs/displays etc. Martin H said £818 had already been set aside for the centenary from this year’s lunch account surplus. However in view of the fact that the club has agreed to meet all the costs of hosting distinguished guests and 50% of all other costs there were suggestions this might be insufficient – hence the levy. After discussion it was agreed on the proposal of John W seconded by Jan L-S that the club seeks AGM’s agreement for a £25 levy on the understanding that should there be a suplus following the centenary celebrations that any excess should be repaid to members. There was one absention.
The secretary reported that he had had an e-mail from Peter N to the effect that apart from circulating a seven day letter for Stewart Clapham, Peter had nothing further to report.
The secretary said members had received the circulated minutes of the most recent meeting of this committee and there was nothing further to report.
Amanda C reported that car parking had raised £18,500 to date with receipts from more recent rugby matches still to be included. Martin H said that a new charity he was forming (HAVING) to help the homless and vulnerable in Gloucester would be separate from Rotary but should it fail or come to an end then its assets could be transferred to the club to help its continuing work in that area of need within the city.
Robert said that along with Matt C and Amanda, they would be evaluating the recent Senior Citizens’ Party with a view to future improvements. He would also be thanking all those who had helping with the organisation and running of this year’s event. He was particularly grateful to Frank L M for his help with audio systems.
It was agreed that there would be no lunchtime meeting on Friday, May 4th but there would be a fish and chip supper in the evening (without a speaker) starting at 6.30pm with dinner at 7.30pm to welcome the group from Rodez. Amanda C said there was still the need for hosts on the Sunday evening and, after discussion, it was suggested that she approach Berkeley Castle to discover whether a trip there on Sunday May 6th was a feasible option.
The secretary said he had had an e-mail from John Smith who said he had nothing further to report.
Jan L-S reminded members that the deadline for giving apologies was Thursday at noon.
Jan is still following up with the Wall’s Club the idea of a defibrillator. John W said he would get a quote from Kevin Dickersen of the South West Ambulance Service.
Nothing to report
John W asked for leave of absence form May 7th until June 11th.
President Sue said the Boules court at Wall’s should be finished by the end of this month and she was hoping to arrange an official opening in May or June possibly on a Friday. The work has attracted a grant of £3,500 from the Barnwood Trust.
Date of next meeting – Monday, May 14th 2018 at 6pm at Matt Cass’s office. Apologies already received from John Lovell (a volunteer will be needed to take notes of this meeting)